1. The first thing to do is to take your flaws for granted and stop criticizing yourself. Any of us can make mistakes, there are hardly any perfect people in the world. The main reason for self–doubt is self-dislike. Therefore, it is important to support yourself, to accept all the dark sides.
2. The goal must be written down on paper. Fix what changes are needed to become more confident in yourself, what exactly needs to be changed. You can hide the sheet for a month, then you need to re-read it to compare the results.
3. You need to remember the moment when you felt maximum self-confidence. When was it, what exactly was the reason for this feeling, what were the feelings at that moment? Any details and details are important. In those situations when you need to be confident in yourself, you need to remember that very moment of triumph and evoke the feelings of that time.
4. Many people effectively use the rubber band exercise. The bottom line is simple: in moments of failure and self-doubt, you just need to pull the elastic band and let it go so that it hurts. Soon, a program will get into the subconscious that insecurity is pain, and then you will subconsciously avoid such moments. You can also download another program into your subconscious – a positive one. In the moments when it turned out to do something and there is plenty of confidence, you need to consolidate this moment - to do something pleasant that you want.
5. It is important to monitor your posture and gait. It is often the gait that gives an insecure person away. Therefore, it is necessary to work purposefully on these components of a successful person. Usually the psyche adjusts to the body. Equally important signs of a confident person are loud, clear speech, the ability to look into the eyes.
6. You will have to change your speech. Instead of vague "I do not know", "What do you think?" you need to clearly show your position. No need to wait for someone to start a conversation and end it. It's time to take the initiative into your own hands. You also need to monitor the timbre and voice.
7. You need to find a person in your environment who is successful, self-confident, and monitor his manners and speech. Next, imagine yourself as an actor and try to play the role of such a person, even if there is fear inside. You can make a good actor, and gradually your role will become your reality.
Often a person cannot feel confident until they have achieved something. Therefore, you can set yourself small intermediate goals and achieve them. Then the feeling of satisfaction will bring a lot of positive emotions and add confidence in your abilities. Sex Videá https://www.tubev.sex/?hl=sk .